Vol.8 (1976) No.2

On 8000t Test Rig Newly Installed at Research Laboratories

船越 督己(Tokushi Funakoshi) 田中 康浩(Michihiro Tanaka) 中野 善文(Yoshifumi Nakano) 藤元 克巳(Katsumi Fujimoto)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
An 8000t test rig has been installed at Research Laboratories of Kawasaki Steel Corporation for the purpose of studying the fracture characteristics of structures and their components that are made of large steel plates. It is an electro-hydraulic, lateral type testing system with loading capacities of 8000t for static test and 5000t for dynamic test. It can test specimens whose maximum dimensions are six meters in length, three meters in height and one and a half meters in width. The testing system includes two submachines for double tension test and as impact test device for ESSO test. This report presents an outline of the testing system and some other related installations.
本文(PDF: 7P/246kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003