Vol.8 (1976) No.2

Spiraling Conditions of Steel Wires to Get Steady Width

新井 和夫(Kazuo Arai) 篠原 凡平(Bonpei Shinohara)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
For the purpose of producing the steel cords of stable quality, the factors influencing spiraling of steel wires were investigated. From the experiments of pin-type spiraling, it has been made clear that properties of cords are determined by the spiral width of wires and that the spiral width is dependent on tension, a bending angle of wire and a diameter of working pin. The spiral width was found to become constant at a certain specific bending angle, independent of wire tension which was difficult to be held constant during production of cords. A theoretical consideration is also performed on the constancy of spiral width. On the basis of these findings, the steel tire cords of high quality have been produced at Kawatetsu Wire Products Co., Ltd.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003