Vol.8 (1976) No.1

Manufacture of Steel Forgings for Reactor Pressure Vessel of Nuclear Power Plant

灘  清和(Kiyokazu Nada) 堀内  章(Akira Horiuchi) 和中 宏樹(Hiroki Wanaka) 松居  進(Susumu Matsui) 早川 泰司(Yasushi Hayakawa)
要旨 :
LD転炉-LRF(ladle refining furnace)プロセスで溶製した鋼塊からASME SA508 Class2鋼による原子炉圧力容器上蓋フランジとノズルを試作し,それら厚肉鍛鋼材の内部性状,方向性,長時間応力除去焼なましの材質におよぼす影響などを調査した。その結果,試作鍛鋼材はすぐれた内部健全性と機械的性質を有していること,さらにこのプロセスの採用により,焼もどし脆化や照射脆化に有害なCu,Sb,As,Sn等の不純物は,通常の電気炉鋼に比較し極めて少なくできること,などがわかった。このようにして,当社水島製鉄所における原子炉圧力容器用厚肉鍛鋼材製造のための基礎技術を確立できた。
Synopsis :
ASME SA 508 Class 2 steel forgings such as flange and nozzle of nuclear reactor pressure vessel have been made for test purpose by means of combined process of LD converter and ASEA-SKF ladle refining furnace at Mizushima Works, Kawasaki Steel Corp. Researches are performed into internal soundness and anisotropy of the forgings and into the influence of long time stress relief annealing on the forging quality. The forgings are found to have satisfactory internal soundness and excellent mechanical properties. Further, these steels are better than usual electric furnace steel in that they contain less impurities such as Cu, Sb, As and Sn which are liable to cause temper embrittlement and radiation damage.
本文(PDF: 14P/458kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003