Vol.7 (1975) No.4

An Outline of On-line Real Time System of Wide Flange Beam Mill at Mizushima Works

平井 信恒(Nobutsune Hirai) 松岡 逸雄(Itsuo Matsuoka) 田村 寿恒(Toshihisa Tamura) 香月  忠(Tadashi Katsuki) 山下 政志(Masashi Yamashita) 原田  宏(Hiroshi Harada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The on-line system for the wide-flange beam mill was developed with the main purposes of reducing the ratio of rejects, improving customer services and saving in manpower. The system makes it possible to place in a centralized control all kinds of information from various operational units, and to issue adequate and timely operation instructions to each unit concerned through various optimum functions. The introduction of this system has resulted in a remarkable achievement including an accurate process control performance with reduced number of personnel and improvements in product quality and production efficiency. The report also outlines an automatic label printer and an automatic label sticker.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003