Vol.7 (1975) No.3

Construction and Operation of a 5t Vacuum Induction Furnace

江島 彬夫(Akio Ejima) 戸村 寿孝(Hisataka Tomura) 松本 藤一(Fujikazu Matsumoto) 宮崎 四郎(Shiro Miyazaki) 平松 輝男(Teruo Hiramatsu)
要旨 :
5t真空誘導溶解炉のおもな設備仕様は,1)溶解量:最大5.75t,通常5.25t,最小2.5t,2)操業圧力:通常5×10-2 Torr,到達下限5×10-3 Torr,3)定格溶解電力:1500kW,4)周波数:150Hz,5)鋳造方式:タンディッシュ使用の真空鋳造方式である。これまでの溶解実績から,1)溶解消費電力:平均5300kWh/ch,2)製鋼時間:平均340min,3)到達真空度および時間:C 0.25%の場合,5×10-2 Torr, 90min,4)一定浴温保持電力:約350kW,5)湯面流速:1000kWの時0.44m/sec,6)窒素吸収速度定数:純鉄の場合,4.0×10-3min-1,7)合金歩留:70〜100%,8)ライニング寿命:約20チャージであることがわかった。
Synopsis :
In order to develop new products and new processes, a 5t vacuum induction furnace was installed as a melting facility of Research Laboratories of Kawasaki Steel Corporation. The furnace was carefully designed by giving consideration to the size and chemical composition of the ingot to be produced, the mode of operations, the maintenance and the environmental standards. In Feb., 1974, the furnace was put into operation and various grades of steel were successfully produced. In the present report, details of the furnace and the results of operations were described.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003