Vol.7 (1975) No.2

Application of Hybrid Beam to Actual Bridge -Its Economics and the Construction of Araibashi Bridge-

久保 源三(Genzo Kubo) 石渡 正夫(Masao Ishiwata) 大方  茂(Shigeru Okata)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Hybrid beam is a weld assembly of high tensile steel and low grade steel; the former for flange part which is most essential in terms of dynamics, and the latter for web part. The hybrid beam works more rationally against bending force, and more economical mainly by use of low grade steel, compared with a homogeneous beam consisting of a single grade steel. Though not as yet accepted in official Japanese specifications, the designing of hybrid beam was already specified by AASHO in 1969. This paper relates the Araibashi Bridge, the first of hybrid composite beam bridge in Japan, with emphasis placed on designing, load test and economics. Covered in the load test are the measurement of dead load stress and, a static test using two trucks simulating a designed load and a dynamic test using a running truck after the completion. The result reveals a good agreement of stress intensity of each part with calculated values, a favorable damped vibration and a small deflection, all conforming the safety of the bridge. Economic consideration based on a comparative design also shows that a total construction cost of the hybrid composite beam bridge is about 7% lower than in the case of the conventional homogeneous composite beam bridge.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003