Vol.7 (1975) No.2

Application of Oxygen Probe to Steelmaking Process

鈴木 健一郎(Kenichiro Suzuki) 加藤 雅典(Masanori Kato) 江島 彬夫(Akio Ejima) 仲村 秀夫(Hideo Nakamura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Applicabilities of oxygen probe to the measurement and control of dissolved oxygen content in molten steel are investigated under laboratory and industrial scale. The lowest limits of dissolved oxygen content which can be measured without any correction are evaluated to be 0.0070% and 0.0015% for oxygen probes with reference electrode of air and Cr/Cr3O3, respectively. And it has been proved that oxygen probe is valid in better understanding of high temperature reactions involved in steelmaking processes and useful for the deoxidation control of steel. As a result of the precise deoxidation control with oxygen probe, yield of steel product has been remarkably increased and stabilized.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003