Vol.6 (1974) No.3

Full Automatic Site Welding Process for Steel Pipe Piles -KH-P Process-

高橋 千代丸(Chiyomaru Takahashi) 金子 忠男(Tadao Kaneko) 行友  浩(Hiroshi Yukitomo) 赤秀 公造(Kozo Akahide)
要旨 :
In Japan, taking into account of soft ground and earthquake, steel pipe piles are popularly used for base construction which have much reliability and weldability. KH-P process is an unique welding method adopted for the first time into a full automatic CO2 arc welding at construction site and has good joint efficiency. Main equipment for KH-P process includes a welding head and a wire feeder which are automatically driven by magnetic wheels. A special guide rail on which the above two components run automatically is divided into two or three segmentary pieces, and hung on several suspenders which are made of small steel piece and welded to the outer surface of upper pile previously in a factory. Hence, the two welding components can move along a specified distance from welding groove. The field adaptability and efficiency of KH-P process are proved by three times welding tests at actual construction sites.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003