Vol.6 (1974) No.2

General Description of Main Facilities for Producing Ultraheavy Steel Plates

江本 寛治(Kanji Emoto) 宮田 克彦(Katsuhiko Miyata) 高橋 明人(Akito Takahashi) 鈴木 陸永(Michinaga Suzuki) 関根 稔弘(Toshihiro Sekine)
要旨 :
水島製鉄所における特殊極厚鋼板製造設備概要を製鋼,鍛錬,圧延および精整の四大工程に分けてASTM A387DやA533B製造の例をひいて説明し,あわせて工程および設備の特徴を示した。製鋼では,不純物元素のきわめて少ない清浄な母溶鋼を供給する180t転炉,この母溶鋼の加熱合金添加,脱ガスその他成分調整を自由に制御できる取鍋精錬炉(LRF),得られた優良な品質の鋼塊の内部組織の健全性をよりいっそう高める6000t鍛造プレス,さらに板厚や平坦度などにすぐれた製品を産みだす新鋭厚板圧延機を紹介し,最後に圧延母板から製品に仕上げる特厚工場における熱処理設備や精整設備を概括した。
Synopsis :
Since April 1971, ultraheavy steel plates including such grades as ASTM A387Gr. D and A533Gr.B. have been produced in Mizushima Works, Kawasaki Steel Corp. In order to meet with the severer requirements on qualities from customers, it is much better to produce the plates in an integrated iron and steel works, where the selection of raw materials is favourable, application of suitable processes and facilities are at will and moreover the integrated quality- and process-control are available. For the production of the plates, modern 180 t basic oxygen furnaces, by which a clean mother metal of lesser tramp elements can be fed, a 100 t LRF (ladle refining furnace under the license of ASEA-SKF), by which extremely sound and better ingots are able to be produced, a 6000 t forging press for obtaining rolling material of sound and homogeneous internal structure, and a modern plate roughing mill are applied. The rolled mother plates are then treated in the ultraheavy steel plate finishing shop, equipped with a 3000 t leveling press, a heat treating furnace, an automatic surface grinding machine and other auxiliaries.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003