Vol.6 (1974) No.2

Properties of Weldment of Heavy-Section Reactor-Vessel Steel Plate

広  紀治(Toshiharu Hiro) 西山  昇(Noboru Nishiyama) 坪井 潤一郎(Junichiro Tsuboi) 岡部 龍二(Ryuji Okabe) 森  徳明(Tokuaki Mori)
要旨 :
原子炉圧力容器用ASTM A533 Gr.B Cl.1170mm極厚鋼板と,この鋼板用に新しく開発した溶接材料を用いて,サブマージアークおよび被覆アーク溶接を行ない,その継手性能を試験した。鋼板は水島製鉄所において,取鍋精錬炉,6000tプレス,厚板圧延機を用い,また,一連の熱処理を行なって試作した。サブマージアーク溶接には高塩基性焼成型フラックスKB-150Aと心線KW-40Cを,被覆アーク溶接には極低水素系溶接棒KS-86Aを使用した。サブマージアークおよび被覆アーク溶接継手は溶接欠陥がまったくなく,すぐれた引張特性,曲げ延性を示し,十分な吸収エネルギー NDT温度を有し,ASTMおよびASME規格を満足することがわかった。
Synopsis :
Using a 170 mm thick plate specified by ASTM Specifications A533, Grade B, Class 1 for reactor vessel and welding materials designed specially for the plate, characteristics of weldments by a submerged arc and a covered arc are studied. The plate is fabricated by Ladle-Refining-Furnace, a forging press of 6000t in capacity, a plate mill and by a series of heat treatments in Mizushima Works. A combination of high basic agglomerated flux KB-150A and wire KW-40C for submerged arc welding and an ultra low hydrogen type electrode KS-86A for covered arc welding are prepared for securing the joint efficiency. Both weldments by a submerged arc and a covered arc are found to have no weld defects, excellent tensile properties and bending ductilities, as well as sufficient absorbed energies and NDT temperatures for meeting the requirements of ASTM or ASME Specifications.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003