Vol.6 (1974) No.1

Study on Nitrogen Absorption from the Atmosphere in Arc-Melting

中野 昭三郎(Shosaburo Nakano) 坪井 潤一郎(Junichiro Tsuboi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
In order to explain the mechanism of remarkable solubility of nitrogen in arc weld metal, the reaction between the high temperature gas in the tungsten arc atmosphere and molten metal has been investigated. It is found that the solubility of nitrogen in arc melting is higher than that in non-arc melting. Furthermore, the solubility of nitrogen is promoted by the existence of oxygen in molten metal. The phenomenon is interpreted by the simple model wherein an adsorption site just under an arc and a desorption site around the arc spot are considered. The true nitrogen absorption rate and the desorption rate constant calculated on the basis of the model. The results correspond well to the oxygen content in molten metal.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003