Vol.6 (1974) No.1

Fatigue Crack Propagation of Various Structural Steels

成本 朝雄(Asao Narumoto) 田中 康浩(Michihiro Tanaka) 船越 督己(Tokushi Funakoshi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Fatigue crack propagation rates have been measured for various structural steels and several experiments on brittle fracture have been performed. The propagating rate of fatigue crack at room temperature is well expressed by Paris' formula, dl/dN=C (ΔK)m, and material constants, C and m have a good correlations to yield stress, σy, and work-hardening exponent n. In weldments, a crack propagates at the rate expected from its hardness. The value of m varies with test temperature and shows the same temperature dependence as n. Scanning electron-miorograph reveals 'brittle surface units' on fatigued surface at low temperature and they influence crack propagation rate and initiation of brittle fracture. The compressive residual stress existing at crack tip suppresses the initiation of brittle fracture.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003