Vol.5 (1973) No.4

On Electroslag Remelting Process

深山 三郎(Saburo Miyama) 伊丹 俊夫(Toshio Itami) 江島 彬夫(Akio Ejima)
要旨 :
ESR法に関する国内外文献を調査し,川崎製鉄(株)技術研究所の実験用30kg ESR炉における経験をも加味して,ESR技術の概要を紹介した。おもに操業,精錬,基礎理論,品質,および応用について説明し,設備およびコスト面について割愛した。鋳肌,組織,偏析,脱硫,非金属介在物の減少および微細化,などの品質面と,歩留,超大型化の可能性,異形断面への適用性などの面に長所を有するESR法は,今後さらに発展の一途をたどるであろう。
Synopsis :
Recent experimental studies on ESR process are reviewed. On the basis of the results reported in these studies, effects of operational conditions on refining phenomena and on qualities of resulting products are discussed. Having such advantages as (1) good capabilities for desulphurization and deoxidation which result in the reduction in the amount and size of oxide inclusions, (2) improved surface- and inner-qualities of ingots, (3) high yield on forging, (4) promising future for scaling-up, (5) versatility for shape casting, ESR process will continue considerable development in the near future.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003