Vol.5 (1973) No.3

Treatment Method of Waste Water Containing Palm Oil

田中 誉典(Takayoshi Tanaka)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Lubricant and water are indispensable for the operation of cold-reduction mills. This article relates the treatment of oily waste generated from the rolling plant at Chiba Works when palm oil is used as lubricant. The treatment process is divided into the waste treatment line and the waste oil treatment line. The former incorporates floatation, sedimentation and filtration methods, and the latter uses sulphuric acid and caustic soda. The treated water is recirculated for re-use, and the waste oil is also reused in rolling process after being treated. Waste oil beyond recovery is made into fatty acid. These treatments of waste water and oil not only forestall public pollution but also have proved to be quite profitable.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003