Vol.5 (1973) No.3

Analysis of Circular Ring Sector Plates Stiffened with Frames

金子 忠男(Tadao Kaneko)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Circular ring sector plate-frame structures which are often seen at the curved corner of elevated highway bridges are analyzed by Fourier series. The concept of analysis is based on a force method named here "The redundant force method for plate structures", which is expanded from a redundant force method well applied to the analysis of frame-structures. Namely, a plate structure whose two straight edges are simply supported and two circular edges are elastically supported by a circular simple beam is selected as primary structure, and consequently, the statically indeterminate quantities are calculated, so that deformations and section forces of this composite structure are determined by the principle of superposition. From many numerical examples thus obtained in this analysis, it is explicit that torsional rigidities of the beam members in frames have a significant influence on the mechanics behavior of the structure and the aspect of the deformation and stress in the neighborhood of inner circular edge is considerably different from that of the outer.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003