Vol.4 (1972) No.2

Master Plan of Construction Method for Multi-Storied Apartment Houses by Combining Steel Structures with Room-Size Unit Houses

中原 利雄(Toshio Nakahara) 大野 勝彦(Katsuhiko Ono) 荻野 英也(Hideya Ogino) 大寺 保光(Yasumitsu Odera) 宮下  巌(Iwao Miyashita) 武井 秀文(Hidehumi Takei)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
With the exploding population of cities, the voices calling for an early re-development of urban areas have been gathering strength year after year. Under this pressure, the buildings for housing the citizens have now taken a definite turn for a more and more towering height above ground as well as an increased density of dwellers. To cope with this trend, Kawasaki Steel Corporation and Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. have jointly developed a unique construction method for multi-storied and high-density apartment houses by combining steel structures with room-size unit houses preproduced, aiming at speedy construction, less cost and mass production. This paper gives an outline of the master plan of said construction method.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003