Vol.4 (1972) No.2

Study of Multi-storied Building with Long Span

荻野 英也(Hideya Ogino) 宮下  巌(Iwao Miyashita) 宮崎 武文(Takehumi Miyazaki)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Of the research made on various questions that concerned the structural design of a multi-storied building of long span, this paper reports on the following two points about bowling centers: i ) Results of a case study of connection between requisite quantity of structural steel (W) and the average floor area that a column bears (A). ii ) Investigational fruits of vibrational behavior of the floor of some actual existent bowling centers. As a result of them, the following became clear. i ) W is closely connected with A. The larger the A, the more the W, and the quantity increased is about equal to that of steel to be used as beams. ii ) Natural frequency of the floor of bowling centers is observed of between 5c/s and 12c/s and the damping factor of steel beam makes no great difference from that of prestressed concrete beam, but that of combination structure is very large.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003