Vol.4 (1972) No.2

A Model Experiment on Sheet-Pile Bulkhead Supported by Coupled Piles (1st Report)

浜田 敬之介(Keinosuke Hamada) 近藤 伸治(Shinji Kondo) 高橋 千代丸(Chiyomaru Takahashi) 三好 弘高(Hirotaka Miyoshi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
This paper deals with a model (dredge type method) experiment on sheet pile bulkhead supported by coupled piles. This construction method was developed by Kawasaki Steel Corporation. The purposes of this experiment are to evaluate earth pressure distributions on sheet pile walls and coupled piles, installed on the back of sheet pile walls, and to determine the sharing ratios of earth pressures on them. In summary of the results of this model experiment: (1) Earth pressure distributions on sheet pile walls and coupled piles are trapezoid approximately. (2) 20〜40% of total earth pressure on sheet pile walls are reduced by coupled piles.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003