Vol.4 (1970) No.1

Electronic Weighers Used in Iron and Steel Industry

角田 辰亥(Tatsui Tsunoda) 瀬川 嘉一(Kaichi Segawa)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Following a brief review of the background how electronic weighers came to be used in recent years in iron and steel industry, this article discusses the structure, merits and practical applications of the load cell weigher, digital weigher, electronic belt weigher and constant feed weigher. Above all, emphasis is laid on the explanation on the transducer for load cell, optical pulse generator, reversible counter, integrator for blet weigher, current to pulse frequency converter, and frequency to voltage converter, which are the principal elements of these electronic weighers. The article, in closing, touches on the current problems and prospective aspects regarding weighers used in iron and steel industry.
本文(PDF: 23P/860kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003