Vo3. (1971) No.4

Automatic Surface Defects Flaw

清水 孝雄(Takao Shimizu) 阿久津 昭司(Shoji Akutsu) 渡辺 康正(Yasumasa Watanabe)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Introduction is made of the operational principle, the structure and some features of the automatic steel sheet surface defect inspection apparatus in operation at a tin plate inspection line in Kawasaki Steel's Chiba Works. This apparatus which applies photo electric effect was developed in order to replace the traditional naked-eye inspection. The device consists of three parts; light sources, detecters and amplifiers. Detection of surface defects is done by joint use of flying photo spot method using rotary mirror drums and static photo spot method, covering a variety of defects to be detected marking a combined use of these two methods is one of the features of this device.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003