Vol.3 (1971) No.4

Practical Adaptability Test on P.C. Pile Using Deformed P.C. Bar RIVER BON

原  道彦(Mitihiko Hara) 佐々木 寿毅(Hisaki Sasaki) 篠原 凡平(Bonpei Shinohara) 内田 貞雄(Sadao Utida) 岡田  清(Kiyoshi Okada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Recent years have seen a persistently rising demand for deformed P.C. bars to be used in manufacturing P.C. piles. To meet this situation, Kawasaki Steel Corporation has developed a new type of deformed P.C. bars under the brand name of RIVER BON, and tested their practical adaptability. In addition to the tests of practical adaptability of RIVER BON P.C. bars themselves in respect of their heading properties, thread rolling, spot welding and bondability to concrete, the P.C. piles manufactured by use of RIVER BON P.C. bars were also tested by conducting bending and cutoff tests before and after hammering. The results of all these tests were good and clearly showed that RIVER BON P.C. bars were to be reliably used in manufacturing P.C. piles.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003