Vol.3 (1971) No.4

Experimental Studies on the Strength of Welded Joints with Partial Penetration

鷲尾 健三(Kenzo Washio) 滝沢 章三(Shozo Takizawa)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Lately, the partially-penetrated welding method has received considerable attention. But little information has been available about the strength of welded joints using this method. This paper is intended for clarifying some problems which have remained uncertain, and for suggesting a possible design method. The experiments were conducted on two variable factors amount of penetration and size of fillet welding for reinforcement. The results show clearly that these factors had remarkable effect upon the strength of joints, and the experimental formula has been given by comparing the test-results with the past studies. Generally speaking, it may be concluded from our investigations that the welded joints with partial penetration are stronger than the fillet welded joints and also that the partially penetrated welding is a useful method.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003