Vol.3 (1971) No.3

Strength of the Truss Joint made from Structural Tees

盛岡 純一(Junichi Morioka) 滝沢 章三(Shozo Takizawa)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
There are various types of joint being used for truss made from structural tees. This paper deals with the results of a series of experiments conducted with split-butts, split and gusset plate joints to find the most effective type in terms of elasticity, plasticity and strength. Such experiments found that the strength of truss joints was essentially related with the strength of welded joint at the lattice end and least section of truss joint. These findings are compared with the theoretical strength of truss joint. Consequently, the typical design formulas and specifications have been developed.
本文(PDF: 11P/352kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003