Vol.3 (1971) No.1

The Weighing Mechanism with Automatic Slide Poise

瀬川 嘉一(Kaichi Segawa) 百瀬  惇(Atsushi Momose) 唐津 建春(Takeharu Karatsu)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The report introduces the weighing mechanism with unique control system developed to gain high accuracy and rapid responsiveness of the scale. The balance system is of automatic slide poise system, in which the poise is slided along the ball screw attached to balance lever with the control system. The control system is composed of differential transformer, current-frequency converter, pulse-motor, synchro-survo system, etc., and a load, on the lever is balanced with the weight attached to the balanced lever. Because of the electronic reversible counter used for detection of the value of a load, it is able to transmit digital signal of the value. The development of the mechanism has enabled us to produce accurate scale (accuracy: 1/3000〜1/10000).
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003