Vol.3 (1971) No.1

Mass Product Method of Multi-Storied Apartment Houses(K-S Construction Method)

荻野 英也(Hideya Ogino) 山口 修一(Shuichi Yamaguchi) 吉田 三千万(Michitaka Yoshida) 宮下  巌(Iwao Miyashita)
要旨 :
本工法は清水建設(株)と川崎製鉄(株)との共同開発によるもので,H形鋼と鉄骨内蔵のpc(プレキャスト・コンクリート)版の組合せからなる高層アパートのプレハブ工法であり,次のような特長がある。(1)壁,床版のpc化 (2)鉄骨の柱と梁の接合に現場溶接を採用 (3)設備,仕上げ工事のユニット化,パネル化 施工例をもとに本工法を紹介する。
Synopsis :
A joint development of Kawasaki Steel Corp. and Shimizu Construction Co., the K-S construction method is designed for the construction of multi-storied apartment houses, using H-shape and precast concrete as featuring materials and having the following advantages; (a) Walls and floors can be made of precast concrete slab. (b) Columns and beams can be welded at site. (c) The final phase of construction, such as interior wiring, partitioning, and bath room fixture installing, can be prefabricated unit by unit in the form of panels which can be brought to the construction site for fixation. This article introduces K-S Construction Method though the results of a trial construction.
本文(PDF: 12P/554kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003