Vol.3 (1971) No.1

On the Production and Powder Metallurgical Characteristics of the Atomized Iron Powders

岸高  寿(Hisashi Kishitaka) 森岡 恭昭(Yasuaki Morioka) 田村 皖司(Kiyoji Tamura)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
The principle of the process and the equipment for the production of water atomized iron powders, as well as powder metallurgical characteristics of the products, are explained. The process of atomization has been investigated from the viewpoint of the theories of chemical engineering, and the relation between the average diameter of produced powder particles and the condition of atomization has been described. On the powder metallurgical characteristics, the difference between the qualities of the iron powders which are produced by atomization and by the method, together with the characteristics of the atomized alloy steel powders, has also been described.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003