Vol.2 (1970) No.4

On the Twist of High Carbon Steel Wire

篠原 凡平(Bonpei Shinohara) 志賀 千晃(Chiaki Shiga) 新井 和夫(Kazuo Arai) 山崎 尚(Hisashi Yamazaki) 佐々木 寿毅(Hisaki Sasaki)
要旨 :
高炭素鋼線の捻回形式,捻回破断形状について調べ,捻回特性に及ぼす諸要因−パテンティング組織,伸線温度,水素脆化など−について実験した。(1)捻回値はつかみ間隔に比例するとはいえない (2)異常破断はハネ破断とへき開破断に分けられる 前者は外部に割れが発生するのに対し,後者は内部に発生する (3)セメンタイト層間距離が短いほど捻回特性が良好とは限らない (4)伸線温度の上昇による捻回特性の劣化は,固溶C,Nによる動的歪時効に起因する。Alを添加して固溶N量を下げることにより捻回値は向上する (5)電解酸洗中(電気めっき工程)のスマットの付着により空気パテンティング材は鉛パテンティング材より水素脆化を受けやすい つかみ間隔を長くして捻回特性の変動を能率よくとらえる長尺捻回試験法を紹介した。
Synopsis :
Twist test measurements of high carbon drawing wires were carried out at room temperature to examine the form of twist and twisted fracture, and effects of drawing temperature, patenting structure and hydrogen during electrolytic galvanizing process on the number of twist to rupture and the fracture surface. The results obtained are as follows: 1) Each pitch distance of uniform and local twist was independent of the grip distance. The number of uniformal twist was proportional to the grip distance, but the number of local twist was not. 2) Abnormal fracture may be divided into flipping and cleavage one. In the case of wires showing flipping fracture, the number of their twists to rupture was usually not small and their cracks often occurred at the exterior of them during twisting. On the other hand, in the case of ones showing cleavage fracture, the number of their twists to rupture was usually small and their cracks occurred at the interior of them. 3) The shorter distance of cementite lamella was not always satisfactory for producing the better property of twist by drawing. 4) A lowering of property of twist due to the increase in drawing temperature may be attributed to the dynamic strain-ageing due to carbon and nitrogen in solution. The wires contained a small amount of dissolved nitrogen, to which 0.043% Al was added, had better property of twist and the number of their twists to rupture did not fall by blueing them in the range of 400℃ to 450℃. 5) Air-patented wires did not show better property of twist than lead-patented ones because of hydrogen embrittlement due to the smut which deposited on wire during the pickling in the electrolytic galvanizing process. Finally, more efficient measurement method of twist test was introduced in which grip distance was longer than the one usually used.
本文(PDF: 18P/662kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003