Vol.2 (1970) No.4

Staggered Parallel Operation of Hot-blast Stoves

山田 孝雄(Takao Yamada) 土田  剛(Tsuyoshi Tsuchida) 一宮 正俊(Masatoshi Ichinomiya)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
When four hot blast stoves are available, the staggered parallel operation, in which two stoves are always "on blast" together, provides greater efficiency and higher blast temperatures than in the case of the conventional operation. Employed in February 1968 for the first time in Japan at No.1 blast furnace in Mizushima Works, the system has been showing successful operation ever since. With this operation, heat efficiency of hot stoves was raised by about an average of 4-5% against the conventional operation. This paper describes the control system of our own development for the staggered parallel operation, and also the expected effect from this operation on the basis of computer simulation.
本文(PDF: 10P/345kb)

(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003