Vol.2 (1970) No.4

Vibration Test of Steel Structure Model

荻野 英也(Hideya Ogino) 高田 千一郎(Senichiro Takada)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
A test was made to study the vibration properties of a four-storied bay-framed steel structure, floored and walled with autocraned lightweight concrete. In this test the model structure was vibrated by means of an oscillator of big capacity, to make it possible to observe the development of destruction of each part of the structure and investigate the natural frequency, vibration mode, damping coefficient and their relation to the unbalanced moment of the oscillator. As an increased force was added, the natural frequency and damping coefficient of the model structure also increased, but no great decrease in stiffness was noted in the steel frames themselves, proving that they possessed sufficient toughness against major deformations. In contrast, the secondary structural materials, including the autocraned lightweight concrete panels, were observed to suffer destruction under the resonance oscillation frequency of 6.0 to 7.0c/s. Therefore, a considerable precaution should be taken as to the steel-framed buildings with primary resonance oscillation frequency ranging from 6.0 to 7.0c/s.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003