Vo2. (1970) No.1

Integrated Computer System of Plate Mill at Mizushima Works

大島  真(Makoto Oshima) 平井 信恒(Nobutsune Hirai) 三浦  恒(Hisashi Miura)
要旨 :
水島製鉄所厚板工場では昭和42年4月に稼働していらい順調な操業を続け,高品質の鋼板を大量に生産している。当厚板工場の計算機システムは作業情報管理システムと圧延機の計算機制御システムとで構成される。前者は生産管理システムから受け取った圧延命令を処理し,各運転台にリアルタイムで作業指示を流すとともに,実績収集を行ない,後者は前者より圧延に必要な情報を自動的に受け取り,全圧延ラインを制御する。現在までの稼働実績により,このIntegrated Computer Systemが生産ラインの円滑な操業,要員削減,特に熟練労働者の削減,作業指示の最適化ならびに適応板厚制御による品質,歩止りの向上に著しい効果のあることが実証された。
Synopsis :
Since its commissioning in April 1967, the plate mill at Mizushima Works has successfully been turning out a large quantity of high quality plates, due largely to the advantage of the integrated computer system which consists of an operation control system and a process control system. The operation control system, after processing the rolling schedules sent from the central production control system, sends operational instructions to each pulpit concerned and collects production results in real-time. The process control system controls the entire rolling line, according to the data automatically received from the operation control system. Operating results to date have proved that the integrated computer system contributes remarkably to the smooth operation, the reduction of manpower especially skilled labor, the increase in production yield, the quality improvement by optimized operational instructions and adaptive gage control.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003