Vol. (1969) No.3

Construction and Operation of an 8 Strands Continuous Casting Machine for Bloom at Mizushima Works

川名 昌志(Masashi Kawana) 斎藤  達(Toru Saito) 三枝  誠(Makoto Saigusa) 五十嵐 清之(Kiyoyuki Igarashi)
要旨 :
Synopsis :
Construction of an 8 strand continuous bloom casting machine began in March 1967 and its casting operation started on June 27th 1968 at Mizushima Works. The machine is so designed as to produce blooms in 200×220〜250×300mm2 from the output of 200 tons LD converters for subsequent manufacturing of bars, wire rods and parallel flange shapes. Capacity of this machine is 50,000tons per month, and 238 heats were cast in May 1969 with these average yield being 97.3%. A series continuous casting operations are tried to achieve higher yield. Hot scarfing machine is installed on-line so as to make surface dressing for high carbon steel bloom in hot state. All operation of this machine from ladle teeming to hot scarfing is performed by only 15 operators.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003