Vol.1 (1969) No.2

Study of the Blast Furnace Shaft as a Packed Bed Using Experimental Model

岡部 侠児(Kyoji Okabe) 浜田 尚夫(Takao Hamada) 米谷  稔(Minoru Yoneya)
要旨 :
高炉の模型を用いて装入順序,コークスベース,ストックラインなどの装入条件を変えて装入物の通気抵抗,層厚などの分布および吹き抜け現象を調査した。均一充填層と高炉模型との吹き抜け限界速度の比から装入物の不均一分布に関する係数を求め,これを用いて高炉の吹き抜け限界送風量を計算した。模型実験の結果から高炉の最適な装入条件を次式で計算した。  コークスベース(t)=0.36DT3  ストックライン(m)=0.40DT-S-G  ここに,DT:高炉の炉口径(m),S:ベルストローク(m),G:一定距離(m)
Synopsis :
Some characteristics in the blast furnace shaft, i.e. permeability of gas, layer thickness of charge and channeling condition are investigated using the furnace model. As the experimental parameters, charging sequence, coke weight of each charge and stock level are selected. The critical channeling velocity at furnace model is measured and compared with the experimental value at the packed bed. The ratio of both values can be applied to operational data of real furnaces. The most suitable coke weight and stock level for operating furnaces can be calculated by the following equations obtained from experimental results. Coke weight of each charge (ton) = 0.0306 DT3,  stock level (m) = 0.40 DT-S-G. Here, DT: diameter of blast furnace top (m), S: stroke of large bell (m), G: constant value of distance (m) 
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003