No.43 ( October 2000 )
Automative Materials and Instrumentation
and Process Control


State-of-the-art Techniques for Internal Quality Measurements in Steel Sheet Production Processes

Hajime Takada, Toshihide Miyake, Hiroyuki Yokota
This paper describes the state-of-the-art ultrasonic and magnetic measuring techniques developed at Kawasaki Steel and used in the production process of steel sheets. Some examples shown here are as follows: (1) Magnetic flux leakage testing system for the detection of nonmetallic inclusions, (2) Nondestructive orientation measurement for secondary re-crystallized grains in grain-oriented electrical steel by ultrasonic interferometry, (3) Immersion testing method for the detection of nonmetallic inclusion, and (4) Surface wave probe for the detection of surface flaws in rolls used in rolling mills. The development of these techniques and their applications to actual steel sheets production processes have contributed to advances in quality assurance and control. By means of these techniques, steel sheet products with advanced and uniform properties are being continuously produced to meet customers' needs.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003