No.34 ( March 1996 )
Highly Efficient Production and
Application of sheet Produts,and
Application Development in Open System's Age


New Steelmaking and Hot Rolling Production Control System at Chiba Works

Mikio Funatani, Shigeo Takemoto, Yoshio Kamio
Synopsis :
The new Steelmaking Shops and Hot Strip Mill at Kawasaki Steel's Chiba Works, where the hot strip mill is linked directly to the steelmaking shops, with the time required to transport the slab from the steelmaking shops to the hot strip mill and the time required to reheat the slab being zero, are fully automated by process control computers. The authors have restructured the production control system to fit it to the new plants, applying a distributed system with UNIX system computers. The system functions have been separated into the human system part and the computer system part in such a way that computers perform calculations and checks of data and people make decisions, thereby reducing the overall manufacturing time. In addition, a centralized management function for the process control variables has been added in order to strengthen supportability for automatization and labor-saving, and a data analysis system using personal computers has been applied in order to support new product development.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003