No.24 ( April 1991 )


Development of Coiling Temperature Control System on Hot Strip Mill

Kazuhiro Yahiro, Jujiro Yamasaki, Masahiro Furukawa, Kazuo Arai, Masahiko Morita, Masamitsu Obashi
Synopsis :
At the Mizushima Works hot strip mill, a newly developed cooling control system has been introduced downstream of the finishing mill as a means of improving product quality uniformity. The system includes a transformation progress model tuned by an on-line transformation detector and a precise temperature model in which consideration is given to the dependence of the heat transfer coefficient on temperature and temperature distribution in the depth direction. The two models make possible the exact prediction of changes in surface and mean temperatures, and of the transformed fraction in the cooling process, resulting in improved coiling temperature accuracy and better product uniformity.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003