No.24 ( April 1991 )


Application of Fuzzy Theory to Ironmaking Process Control

Yunosuke Maki, Nobuhiro Takashima, Hiroshi Obata, Osamu Iida, Kazuma Nakashima, Toshiro Sawada
Synopsis :
In ironmaking process, Kawasaki Steel has developed a uniform burning control system in the pallet width direction of the sintering machine and a set-point control system of hot stove combustion by applying fuzzy control. In the fuzzy control system of the sintering machine, burning speed in the pallet width direction is controlled by varying filling density using the 5-split sub-gates. The distribution is detected by observing the waste gas temperature with thermometers installed in the same direction. It resulted in the improvement of uniform sintering. In the fuzzy control system of hot stove, combustion gas flow rate and calorie are controlled by observing the residual heat value and the brick temperature distribution of each stove. As a result, brick temperature dispersion has been decreased and hot stove thermal efficiency increased.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003