No.20 ( June 1989 )
Information Systems

Techniques for Improving Productivity of System Development

Yukihiro Hiramatsu, Kenzo Ohsugi, Tohru Ariki, Masanori Minagawa, Masakuni Furukawa
Synopsis :
Kawasaki Steel has developed techniques for improving the productivity of system development in order to accomplish refurbishment of its total systems. The refurbishing techniques are centered on the data-oriented information resource management concept and segmentation and reuse of software. In view of the above, Kawasaki Steel has; (1) standardized information system development procedures and established data management structures, (2) developed a data dictionary system, (3) developed a system development and maintenance support system ranging from designing to production and maintenance, and (4) through the use of these techniques, doubled the productivity of system development and realized information resource management and utilization of computer-stored data by end-users.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003