No.17 ( October 1987 )


Analysis and Control Systems for Shaft Vibration in Steel Rolling Processes

Katsuhiko Doi, Kozo Ishikawa, Hifumi Tsukuda, Kazuaki Yamamoto, Namio Suganuma, Tadashi Naito
Synopsis :
In recent years, the authors have been endeavoring to revamp steel rolling processes by realizing continuous and synchronized production between two processes in order to achieve higher quality of products. In cold and hot tandem mills or continuous annealing process lines, which required high response and high accuracy to the motor control system, the authors encountered troubles with shaft vibrations caused by interaction between mechanical and electrical control systems, and developed a new power drive technique which was effective in solving the problems. And authors were able to understand the influence of all the digital thyrister motor drive system and the cross current type cycloconverter drive system on the shaft vibration problem through computer simulation analyses and experiments. As a result, the following were found effective in suppressing shaft vibrations: (1) to apply a digital filtering method to speed feedback, (2) to control a speed control loop in high speed sampling time and high accuracy calculation, and (3) to apply the modern control theory.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003