No.16 ( June 1987 )


Automatic Seam Tracing System for ERW Pipe Mill

Fumiaki Ode, Mikio Aratama, Hiroaki Kondo, Kanehiro Ohashi, Atsushi Hiwasa, Takashi Senba
Kawasaki Steel has developed two types of new equipment to detect and trace the weld-seam of ERW on pipe, and installed them at the 26 inch ERW pipe mill of its Chita Works. In most ERW pipe mills, a longitudinal welded portion is submitted to the seam-annealing process and non-destructive inspection, and therefore, detection and tracing of the exact weld-seam position at these processes are indispensable. The newly developed systems can detect and trace seam positions automatically and contribute to good quality of welded portions. Principle and actual application of these weld-seam detectors - one type called the "absolute seam position detecting method" and the other the "relative seam position detecting method" - are described in this paper.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003