No.16 ( June 1987 )


Development of Automatic Process Control System for a 7" Seamless Tube Mill

Yutaka Funyu, Tadashi Okumura, Norio Konya, Yasuyuki Hayashi, Hiromu Oka, Toshio Imae
New process computer system has been developed at the 7" seamless tube mill of Chita Works following the 16" seamless tube mill. The former system has realized highly automated control for each mill through the development of on-line gages and rolling control models. Optimal control model for the piercer, cross section profile control model for mandrel mill and adaptive elongation control model for the stretch reducer are mainly described. New bulge gage has been applied to mandrel mill control. The accuracy of the tube dimensions and standardization of rolling operations are markedly improved by applying the high-level software and hardware to rolling process. An outline of the automatic computer control system, its performances and the results of its adoption are discussed in this report.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003