No.13 ( September 1985 )


Computer Control System for Coal Yard Operation at Mizushima Works

Shizuki Kasaoka, Osamu Okamoto, Yuzuru Takizawa
Synopsis :
At Mizushima Works, a process computer system has been introduced into the coal preparation process and coke transport process to improve the level of centralized management of quality and operation information, which is part of the total systemization plan of the Coke-making Department. The features of the new system software are: (1) Simplification of planning the blending composition using models of coal quality prediction, coke strength prediction and coal crushing grain programming, (2) Use of CRT for supporting operation and monitoring duties, (3) Automation of received coal sampling, crusher feeder setting and finishing position control of the bedding, (4) Automation of work schedules preparation and work results documentation. Introduction of this system has realized improvements in coke quality, reduction in electric power consumption, and one-man operation of the central control room.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003