No.11 ( March 1985 )


Development of Ore Yard system in Total Ironmaking System at Mizushima Works

Shin-ichiro Yamana, Seisuke Nigo, Hiroshi Obata, Takumi Fukagawa, Noboru Morinaga, Masahiro Ukita
Synopsis :
The total ore yard system has been developed as a part of the totalized ironmaking system at the Ironmaking Department of Mizushima Works. Many kinds of information can be summarized by process computer through an optical fibre cable network, and stored in business computer for improvement on the departmental management level. The system consists of several functions, namely, the ore handling schedule plan, operation guidance for ship unloading and ore treatment in the yard, electric utility management, bed quality control for sinter, and dynamic hopper level control. This system has brought about large profits, saving in labour and energy and quality improvement in the blended ore bed.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003