No.10 ( December1984 )


Application of Large Diameter UOE Steel Pipe Pile to Offshore Structure

Masanari Tominaga, Masao Nagano, Hiroaki Furuya, Tamotsu Kimura
Synopsis :
Taiwan Power Company is constructing a steam power plant of 4 million kW at the coastal area situated 30 km north of Kaohsiung which is the biggest industrial area in Taiwan, R.O.C. The installation of two generators with a capacity of 500 000 kW each was completed and now they are operating. Engineering division of Kawasaki Steel Corporation, through an international tender, was awarded a contract to construct an offshore berth facility for unloading coal required for the plant operation. This facility consists of a 910 m long approach trestle and a platform foundation for the coal unloader. Large diameter and thick wall UOE steel pipe piles were applied to the foundation work. This paper describes the civil engineering aspects of the steel pipe pile foundation used in this construction project.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003