No.8 ( September 1983 )


Characteristics of Nonslip Steel Rail Plates for Monorail Guideways

Tadao Kaneko, Eisuke Yamanaka, Yutaka Machida, Hironori Miura
Synopsis :
Rails of monorail and guideway systems using rubber tires must maintain frictional resistance in wet conditions for safe driving. Especially this fact is particularly important when the rail has steel plates on its running surface and its longitudinal gradient is more than 3%. Therefore, a nonslip type steel plate rail for above-mentioned systems has been newly developed. This plate has hot rolled semicircular grooves which are placed in the transverse and longitudinal directions, and can have the effective frictional function when the rubber tires come into contact with these lattice-shaped shallow grooves and deform elastically in their running. This paper describes experimental studies on the relationships between the groove shape, the coefficient of friction and fatigue strength in using this plate as the main member of the guideway girder.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003