No.3 ( September 1981 )


"Bite and Back" Rolling Method to Improve Slab Rectangularity in Slab Rolling

Shohei Kanari, Kenji Kataoka, Kichizaemon Nakagawa, Minoru Matsuzaki, Yasuo Ogawa, Yoshio Nakazato, Hideaki Yoshimura
Synopsis :
Metal shaping behavior has been investigated to improve slab rectangularity in slab rolling. A newly developed rolling method called "Bite and Back" can sufficiently serve the purpose by giving a rectangular shape to both leading and tail ends of slabs, while minimizing crop loss due to overlap in the longitudinal section. This new method developed by laboratory mill experiments was used at Chiba Works, Kawasaki Steel Corp., and increased slab yield by 4%. a new world record of 95.9% in slab rolling yield of capped steel was attained by this new method in March, 1980.
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(c)JFE Steel Corporation, 2003